FIT RAMS gives Carrie the ability to live the life her and her family deserve.

Prior to starting FIT RAMS with Derby County Community Trust, Carrie had tried many times to lose weight and get healthier but had found herself struggling to stick to diets and weight-loss plans.

“Before I started FIT RAMS had no confidence and felt no self-worth. I felt that everything I did I failed at as I had done with so many diets in the past. I was so morbidly obese, with a terrifying BMI that I worried constantly about leaving my children behind with no mother.

“I was unable to walk very far without feeling very tired. I had no energy and absolutely no motivation. I knew I wanted to make changes so much but just couldn’t see a way out of the cycle of binge eating and depression.”

Getting out of this cycle was exactly what Carrie needed to reach her goals and that is where FIT RAMS came in to help.

“I love the fact there was no pressure to make any changes to our lives and it was all on our own terms. This helped massively with the previous cycle I have felt from other classes of feeling like you’ve failed so continuing on a downward spiral. The SMART goals are really good for helping with this. This for me was so much better than being given an unrealistic eating plan and being dictated to.”

FIT RAMS was a revelation for Carrie, who committed herself to the course every week and enjoyed the process.

“I have learned so much by coming to the classes every week and have really enjoyed them. I’ve never missed a class and that’s because I looked forward to coming and didn’t feel judged or daunted by an intense exercise class that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with.

“The classes were so varied with quizzes, small group activities and full group discussions that I never felt under any pressure to contribute more than I felt I could. This variety made the sessions more interesting and helped to maintain my attention. I also felt our group was very friendly and supportive and I never felt silly asking any questions in front of anybody there.

“The exercise classes were amazing. They started off at such an achievable level that I didn’t get scared off after the first one! Every week Jon made them a little harder and that was perfect for me to keep my enthusiasm going and I also felt like I had really achieved something in each class.”

Average weight loss statistics for the FIT FANS programme are impressive and exceed those of many other programmes. On average women lose well over 3kg and men over 5.5kg by the end of the 12 weeks. We also have evidence that lifestyle change and weight loss are sustained over the following 12 months. More than 90% of men and 85% of women lose weight during the programme with many losing a clinically significant amount.  Our data shows FIT FANS helps people to increase physical activity, and reduce sedentary time, leading to weight loss, a significant reduction in reduction in blood pressure, and improvement in self-reported mental wellbeing measures.

By the end of the course, Carrie lost an amazing 10.3kg and 13cm off her waist and feels like she’s making steps forward thanks to FIT RAMS and the support she received.

“I finally feel like I can succeed on my journey now and that’s down to Jon and Ben. They have helped me to start living the life I deserve and have helped me to feel like I am worthy of investing my time into. I will always be grateful for the time and planning they have put into the sessions and their attitude towards people like myself who just need some help to get back onto the right path.

“I can’t thank you both enough and am looking forward to attending the maintenance classes regularly.”

To find out more about your nearest FIT FANS programme,  please contact your local Club using the list below.

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