Decency: “FIT FANS has changed my life physically and mentally”

Decency attended FIT FANS hosted by Luton Town Community Trust prior to the turn of the new year where she exceeded her own expectations.

Prior to the course, she had clear objectives to get fitter, gain knowledge around nutrition and food choices all whilst learning more about herself.

With the course designed to push participants out of their comfort zones, all while maintaining their own pace, the practical sessions become more intense through increasing cardiovascular exercise and introducing strength and conditioning work. Despite this, Decency praises the course as one that is “informative and organised.”

Most importantly, she looked forward to attending the course each week as it provided great social interaction too. Decency said

“The course has changed my life physically and mentally with a positive impact on both, I now feel so much fitter and have lost 11 kilograms since the start of the course. My blood pressure has also dropped which makes my GP happier!”

As an individual, Decency has always enjoyed being involved in fitness which was a major pulling factor for her whilst part of the same cohort as her older sister brought about a whole new level of competitiveness to those. She commented:

“Exercise has always been good for people’s mental health and the course has shown that.”

Average weight loss statistics for the FIT FANS programme are impressive and exceed those of many other programmes. On average women lose well over 3kg and men over 5.5kg by the end of the 12 weeks. We also have evidence that lifestyle change, and weight loss is sustained over the following 12 months. More than 90% of men and 85% of women lose weight during the programme with many losing a clinically significant amount.  Our data shows FIT FANS helps people to increase physical activity, reduce sedentary time, leading to weight loss, a significant reduction in reduction in blood pressure and improvement in self-reported mental wellbeing measures.

To find out more about FIT FANS click here.