FIT VILLA sparked lifelong Villian Kate into change

Lifelong Aston Villa fan, Kate found FIT VILA the perfect opportunity to make positive long -term changes to her health and well-being.

Prior to enrolling on the programme, Kate was aware that her eating habits and physical activity had lapsed due to the national lockdown but lacked the consistent motivation to ‘get up and go’.

However, finding the FIT FANS initiative hosted at her beloved club was the initial spark for her to begin her journey.

Average weight loss statistics for the FIT FANS programme are impressive and exceed those of many other programmes. On average women lose well over 3kg and men over 5.5kg by the end of the 12 weeks. We also have evidence that lifestyle change and weight loss is sustained over the following 12 months. More than 90% of men and 85% of women lose weight during the programme with many losing a clinically significant amount.  Our data shows FIT FANS helps people to increase physical activity, reduce sedentary time, leading to weight loss, a significant reduction in blood pressure and improvement in self-reported mental wellbeing measures.

For Kate, the programme has supported her in several ways. Not only has she lost 4.6kg but has found consistency within her lifestyle from strength training at home to monitoring her diet.

She said: “The 12 week programme was fun, informative, and motivating. The classes have set us both on our way to a whole new healthier and fitter lifestyle. Michelle, Dru and Josh supported us all the way and delivered the health and fitness messages in a way that made us feel like we could succeed.

This motivation has stayed with us even though the course has ended. We have since signed up to more fitness classes, are watching what we eat and are losing more weight.”

Kate has continued to use the foundations of FIT VILLA to succeed in her healthy lifestyle.